Saturday, July 7, 2007

What Does It Mean?

Network marketing can be a tough business and it's not the
fault of the systems we use to grow our business or the
companies we choose to represent, rather it's tough because
no one teaches you how to interpret the results we generate
from our promotional activities.

What I mean by this is, most of us that come into this
industry come in full of hope and desire for more in our
lives, but with little to no experience in running a REAL
business, so we tend to interpret the things happening in
our business through our past experiences.

Our J.O.B. experiences . . . Which is WRONG!

That is when you go to work for someone else, you know what
to expect. You put in a 40 hour week and you know you're
going to get paid your going rate for that 40 hours of work
no matter how productive you really are.

This is good in that there is little to no risk in this
situation, except if you slack to much you may get fired.

But it can be bad because this thought construct CANNOT be
carried over successfully to an entrepreneurial situation
and it doesn't allow for true personal and financial
limitless growth like network marketing or owning your own
business does.

In the beginning, it's true you could be putting in 60 hours
a week cold calling leads and getting little to no results
for those efforts, but for those that stick it out and reach
a plateau of success, there's the other more appealing side
to the coin.

Once you have an organization growing under you, you can take a
month off and still get paid the same amount or more than
the previous month because you've built equity into your
business in your organizational growth.

That's true freedom, and if you haven't experienced it yet
let me tell you it's worth all the heartache and struggle
you go through to get there.

But you can't get there thinking about your network
marketing business through the same mental lens you think
about your J.O.B. because it will only lead to frustration,
confusion, and failure.

For instance . . .

What if you put in 40 hours of cold calling or my fortay
internet marketing into your business in the next week and
generate no financial gains from those efforts?

If you think about the situation through your J.O.B. mental
lens you'll probably say.

"Man this sucks! I'm paying my way for everything that I'm
doing and I haven't made a cent. If this doesn't start
making money in the next month or so I might as well quit
and get a part time job, because at least then I know I'm
getting paid for my time."

This is well and good, but to think this way would decrease
your overall personal time freedom and you would be leasing
your life out to someone else's business.

Further, this would lead you down a path of trying to prove
to yourself your business can't work.

What I mean is you'll stick to the script and the plan given
to you by your upline just long enough to prove to yourself
your system or your product doesn't "work".

Not what you want.

But if you look at the situation through the proper lens,
the entrepreneurial lens, you'll approach the situation from
a total different perspective and you'd be able to ask the
right question to improve your current business.

You'll say . . .

"What I'm doing right now doesn't seem to be providing my
most wanted outcome, now I know someone in this business is
making it happen in a big way, what are they doing? What am
I doing differently from them that's stopping me from
progress? Finally, how can I change what I do so that my
business produces the results that I want in a way that I'm
excited and enjoy doing?"

That's an enterprenurial mindset.

Do you see the difference between the two perspectives?

The first only takes the situation at face value and does
not attempt to push for real improvement and the second
looks deeper into the current situations for possible
solutions and improvements.

The same situation, yet vastly different thought patterns.

One will get you success in network marketing and one will
have you quiting your business in the next 3 months.

My only point is this . . .

In your business the things that happen, be it positive and
negative, are only such because of the way you perceive them.

Change your perception and you WILL change your business.

To The Top,
Gary Worley

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