Monday, December 18, 2006

Being Your Own Boss

Being Your Own Boss

Does the idea of being your own boss, making your own hours and your own business decisions sound incredibly attractive to you? But does it seem like a pie-in-the-sky dream? It doesn’t have to be. There are lots of ways to be your own boss and make a respectable living with a home-based business. One of these ways is to get involved with mlm opportunity work.

What is mlm? It’s multi-level marketing. Don’t worry; though they have similarities, mlm opportunity work is not the same as pyramid schemes. No one is being defrauded. You become an independent consultant or distributor for a product, one that has true value for the purchaser. These products can range from cosmetics to herbal supplements to distinctive cookware and gadgetry for the kitchen.

One of the benefits of mlm work, other than the whole being your own boss angle, is a low start-up cost. This type of home business can be started for as little as a few hundred dollars used to purchase a sample kit of the products you’ll be selling. Using these samples, you start developing contacts and taking your new home business on the road. Talk about your mlm opportunity with both potential customers and others who might like to get into the business on their own. If you sign them up, you earn part of the commissions on their sales. They’re making money. You’re making money. Everyone’s happy in their home-based mlm business world.

What are some of the companies that provide home business mlm opportunity work? Familiar names like Arbonne, Mary Kay Cosmetics, Pampered Chef, Herbalife and Longaberger come to mind. These companies have been around long enough and have good enough reputations that you don’t have to deal with the ugly reputations attached to some companies. Thousands of women use Mary Kay cosmetics every day. And Longaberger baskets are holding fruit and magazines in homes around the world. The products are high quality, which helps your home business thrive because people want quality products for their hard-earned money.

Once you’ve decided which company looks most attractive to you, learn all you can about that company so that you feel comfortable in your new home-based business endeavor. You’ll also be able to answer any questions that come from potential customers. You don’t want to be faced with a question you can’t answer. This doesn’t reflect well on you as an independent product distributor or the company whose products you are selling. After you’ve made the decision, done your homework and actually made the capital outlay for a sample kit, it’s time to hit the road to showcase the product and generate the first sales in your new home-based mlm business.

Gary Worley

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