Thursday, July 5, 2007

You Can Forget About The Competition When You Do This...

I was speaking with one of my counterparts last night and to
be honest he was steaming mad about how someone he knew had
stolen his idea and profited from it.

His immediate reaction was just that - a reaction to compete
on the same playing field and beat this guy to the punch.

I made the suggestion that instead of trying to outdo this
guy, let's be creative and create an entirely new solution
and I laid out the plan and I could tell he was more than

There is work to be done for sure, but it's a much better
solution than competition.

In your network marketing business never worry about what
the next guy is doing, get out there full of steam and a
heart full of passion and do YOUR thing and do it bigger and
better than you ever thought possible.

Forget about them and what they do, just do what you do and
do it to the best of your abilities.

I know this may sound cryptic in terms of how to apply this to
your network marketing business, but listen . . .

If you love your business, if you see that there is only
success for you and everyone that you expose to that
business, there is only one path of action and that's
getting to work.

There are NO hurdles to big for you. You'll always find a
way over, under or just plain out busting through them if you
start walking your path with a heart full of passion.

Don't let anyone tell you, you can't or list a thousand reasons
why it won't work and listen to them.

Understand that's why it won't work for them NOT you. You're
a winner. You get what you want out of life because you give
life all that you got and the only thing life can return
naturally is your desired end.

Believe this deep in heart and there's no stopping you.

Don't think how you can be better, think rather about what
you're going to create in your business and how and leave
the competition out of the picture - you'll end up leaving
them in the dust.

When there is no resistance in you for achieving your
desires the only thing you can do is get them.

Remember this . . .

The first step is both invaluable and priceless - it's
acquiring the knowledge that will get you results faster
than anything else. The less resistance you have internally
to taking the steps to learn what must be learned to get
done what you want done to fulfill your dreams the faster
you'll get there.

Take action now. Don't stop yourself, it's only slowing you

To The Top,
Gary Worley

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