Sunday, July 1, 2007

What If Poeple Joined Your Business No Matter What?

Today let's focus on something very much overlooked in
network marketing, yet crucially important to success.

And the truth is it starts before money . . .

The focus for today is really the concept of leverage.

Archimedes said:

"Give me a lever long enough and I can move the

What he was talking about was leverage, a concept that
states that given the proper position a small force can be
magnified into an exponentially larger force.

This concept is the basis of network marketing's power for
financial gains. Its how in a relatively short amount of
time one person starting from a standing start can go from
$0 to $23,000+ per month or more.

Now network marketers always talk about leverage, but I
don't know how many of them really understand this concept
in full.

Here's why . . .

Most network marketers only refer to this concept when they
speak about the earning potential for their given company,
i.e. the compensation plan, but that's really just the tip
of the iceberg.

Leverage applies to more than just how much a given
compensation plan can yield. It applies to every aspect of
the process as well.

If understood and applied correctly it can be used for far
more than just how much you can make in a given compensation
plan and that's your true advantage.

Here's what THEY miss:

Leverage applies not only to how much you can make in your
business, but also how quickly you can get there.

The components governing your earning potential within a
company are intrinsic factors, meaning they are dictated by
the internal workings of any given compensation plan.

This means you have no control over their application past
how quickly you can fulfill its requirements.

This is fine, but the secret is there is huge leverage to be
applied to the outside workings of this process, i.e. how fast
you can grow and these are FULLY within your control.

These are the components you must focus on because they are
the exact things, not only you have influence over, but in a
real sense dictate your success overall. Because this isn't
built into the compensation plan most network marketers
glaze over these points.

Now that you know they exist they are your hidden advantage
in the marketplace.

What are the extrinsic points of leverage you control?

1. How many people you bring into your network marketing

2. How quickly you bring people into your network marketing

3. The quality of the people that you bring into your network
marketing system

Yesterday I spoke about leads and their nature, well now
you see further why buying generic leads is a way in which
you give up a great deal of control and leverage on the
extrinsic side of your business.


Because when you buy leads you have no real control over the
3 factors just mentioned past how much you are willing to
pay to buy more. No matter how many you buy though, you will
never have control over the quality of leads when bought.

That's why, in my book, buying leads is not really the best
solution to growing your business if you truly desire

The truth is it slows you down.

Take this for example . . .

How did I go from spending over $7,000 on leads and not
growing my network marketing business at all to growing a
team which has now reached almost 4700 people in a year and
a half?

1. I stopped buying and calling generic leads.

2. I created as much controllable leverage in my business as


By creating a situation in which I not only control how many
and how fast I generate an unlimited flow of the highest
quality of leads I create maximal controllable leverage.

In other words, I create a situation where I simply can't loose
because there is simple so much leverage on my side.

You do this and you create a lever long enough to move as
many people as you want into your business.

Read this again, it may take a few times to really sink in.

That's the game I play, because I play to win, not to waste
time or money.

Don't you think it's time you made that choice?

Stay tuned because tomorrow we're gonna get into the details
of how to create massive leverage in your business and it
includes the all important topic of money. A lesson you
surely won't want to miss.

To The Top,
Gary Worley

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