Starting a business online is one of the ways for you to earn income while staying at home, A home based business in network marketing can help you earn good money without having to invest a large sum of money in inventory, most companies drop ship.
Before you start a home based business in network marketing, there are a few things you should know.
First, you should understand that a home based business in network marketing involves work on your part. If you are looking to make a six-figure income in 90 days, then this opportunity is not for you.
Second, when you start a network marketing business, you should be a good team player or else you will not survive in this type of business. This is a business of building relationships.
Third, in network marketing, when you help others you help yourself and you should make it a point to help every member of your team.
Recruiting New Members
If you want to start a home based business in network marketing, you should work hard to promote your product and build your team. When you join a network marketing company you are expected to generate sales as well as build a team by recruiting and training new members. This means that if you really want to succeed in a home based business in network marketing, you should be prepared to invest your time in recruiting new members.
If you take a close look at the design and structure of a network marketing company, the bulk of the income that you will generate is most likely from the overriding commissions that you will earn out of the sales generated from your recruits.
In most cases, you will never really earn much money if you just buy the product from the company and sell it to friends and family members since you can only do so much direct selling. In most network marketing companies the generation of personal sales is a pre-condition for you to receive commissions from the sales of the other members of your team so it is still important for you to generate some personal sales.
The good news is that most networking companies only require a small amount of personal sales for you to qualify for the overriding commissions.
When it comes to recruiting new members, you can earn more money if you grow a large team of people under you, that is why it is very important to recruit new members on a consistent basis. Since you will earn commissions on the sales generated by people recruited by your recruits, it would be a good idea for you to help out the people under you in their recruiting efforts.
To The Top,
Gary Worley
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Monday, October 8, 2007
The Disadvantages of Online Business
One of the topics that is often discussed on forums and message boards around the internet is the topic of online business. A number of people will tell you exactly what they think about online business and to people that have been successful in it, the majority of what they say is positive. This is because there is a bias in the positive direction when it comes to online business because many of the people in online business sell products specifically about how to make money online. Therefore, there is an inherent conflict of interest in the things they tell you. One topic not often considered is the topic of how it might be disadvantageous to get involved in online business. There are definite disadvantages to online business and some of them are discussed below.
Firstly, there is the distraction factor. Online business usually entails working from home and therefore you can find any distraction at home in order to take you away from working on your online business. The television, the stovetop, the microwave, the bed and the backyard are all distractions that can result in people getting dropped from online business and losing their sense of concentration. Concentration is key in online business and ultimately it is going to be what drives people forward to succeed.
However, the offline distractions are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to online business. Because a lot of online business work is tedious and boring, it is easy to get distracted. Have you ever heard people playing online games in the workplace because their job is boring at times? Well, consider how that could easily be you if you are working at an online business. You'd be sunk before you even started and that is not going to be good for anyone; least of all you.
In addition to distraction, there is also the competitive nature of online business. If you want to get involved in a particular niche, chances are there are already going to be people there ahead of you. And with the internet, larger people can crush smaller people a lot easier than big businesses can crush small ones. Competitors think nothing of discrediting each other and ultimately everyone is only interested in selling their products and making money. It is a cut-throat world on the internet and people that aren't aware of this could get crushed so fast it would make their head spin.
So, as you can see, there are a number of disadvantages to online business. This is not to say that it can not be lucrative; far from it in fact. The internet gives you a great chance to reach people you would never have been able to reach otherwise and it is primarily for that reason that you need to be aware of all of the disadvantages inherent to online business; to understand both the good and the bad.
To The Top,
Gary Worley
Firstly, there is the distraction factor. Online business usually entails working from home and therefore you can find any distraction at home in order to take you away from working on your online business. The television, the stovetop, the microwave, the bed and the backyard are all distractions that can result in people getting dropped from online business and losing their sense of concentration. Concentration is key in online business and ultimately it is going to be what drives people forward to succeed.
However, the offline distractions are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to online business. Because a lot of online business work is tedious and boring, it is easy to get distracted. Have you ever heard people playing online games in the workplace because their job is boring at times? Well, consider how that could easily be you if you are working at an online business. You'd be sunk before you even started and that is not going to be good for anyone; least of all you.
In addition to distraction, there is also the competitive nature of online business. If you want to get involved in a particular niche, chances are there are already going to be people there ahead of you. And with the internet, larger people can crush smaller people a lot easier than big businesses can crush small ones. Competitors think nothing of discrediting each other and ultimately everyone is only interested in selling their products and making money. It is a cut-throat world on the internet and people that aren't aware of this could get crushed so fast it would make their head spin.
So, as you can see, there are a number of disadvantages to online business. This is not to say that it can not be lucrative; far from it in fact. The internet gives you a great chance to reach people you would never have been able to reach otherwise and it is primarily for that reason that you need to be aware of all of the disadvantages inherent to online business; to understand both the good and the bad.
To The Top,
Gary Worley
Sunday, October 7, 2007
The Advantages of an Online Business
One of the reasons that people get into business online is because they believe that it is ultimately advantageous for them to do so. The question really then becomes one as to whether or not these people are correct in their assertions. Well, there are certainly some advantages to online businesses, so let's take a look at a few of the big ones and see if they apply to you.
First and foremost, there is the comfort aspect of an online business. The comfort aspect comes from you being able to work from your own home in your own chair, frequently in your pyjamas should you so choose to do so. This means that you don't have to go anywhere and can do everything and earn money from the comfort of your own home. It is definitely something to consider and something that a lot of people have been successful with. There are many people that claim that their online success has come from being helped by that comfort factor.
Secondly, there is a convenience factor to go along with that comfort factor. In addition to being in your own house, you actually don't have to leave it that often to get materials or other things. All of the components of your business are virtual and therefore controlled directly from your computer. Whereas customer service representatives or anyone else along those lines need to frequently leave their computers in order to do things for their customers, you as an online businessman will probably not be hampered by that same need. Convenience is a big reason why some people are able to succeed in online business.
In addition to those two advantages, another one to consider would be cost. When you are starting up a business for a specific type of venture offline, there are going to be massive start-up costs associated with it that will warrant you taking out a loan and ultimately taking a big financial risk. However, if you are online you can start up your business for free. If you want to be professional about your business online, you can even do that without spending more than $100 or so in start-up costs. It is a very cost-effective way to do business and one that has helped a number of people that didn't have the stomach for offline business ventures.
These are the three biggest advantages inherent to online business. When it comes right down to it, all three of them can make a profound difference in a person's life and therefore for that reason deserve to be given consideration. There are downsides to online business as well and these downsides need to be carefully considered before you decide to embark on an online business venture instead of an offline one.
To The Top,
Gary Worley
First and foremost, there is the comfort aspect of an online business. The comfort aspect comes from you being able to work from your own home in your own chair, frequently in your pyjamas should you so choose to do so. This means that you don't have to go anywhere and can do everything and earn money from the comfort of your own home. It is definitely something to consider and something that a lot of people have been successful with. There are many people that claim that their online success has come from being helped by that comfort factor.
Secondly, there is a convenience factor to go along with that comfort factor. In addition to being in your own house, you actually don't have to leave it that often to get materials or other things. All of the components of your business are virtual and therefore controlled directly from your computer. Whereas customer service representatives or anyone else along those lines need to frequently leave their computers in order to do things for their customers, you as an online businessman will probably not be hampered by that same need. Convenience is a big reason why some people are able to succeed in online business.
In addition to those two advantages, another one to consider would be cost. When you are starting up a business for a specific type of venture offline, there are going to be massive start-up costs associated with it that will warrant you taking out a loan and ultimately taking a big financial risk. However, if you are online you can start up your business for free. If you want to be professional about your business online, you can even do that without spending more than $100 or so in start-up costs. It is a very cost-effective way to do business and one that has helped a number of people that didn't have the stomach for offline business ventures.
These are the three biggest advantages inherent to online business. When it comes right down to it, all three of them can make a profound difference in a person's life and therefore for that reason deserve to be given consideration. There are downsides to online business as well and these downsides need to be carefully considered before you decide to embark on an online business venture instead of an offline one.
To The Top,
Gary Worley
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Successful Companies in the United States
When studying business and trying to get one of your own off the ground, one of the most important lessons you can learn comes not from a textbook but from observation. Nothing shows the young entrepreneur what works and what doesn’t by studying the most successful businesses and what they have done to reach their lofty heights. That doesn’t mean you should copy their business model from stem to stern, but the examination of their practices may give you some good ideas about how to launch, maintain, and progress with your company through the life of your career.
The first company the wise entrepreneur should look at is Nike. The company is the largest sportswear provider in the world. It doesn’t matter what you’re trying to sell, though, be it sneakers or computers, there are lessons to be learned from Nike’s history and their continued success in the American marketplace. These lessons range from successful logo and motto (there are few among us who cannot identify the Nike swoosh or the motto “Just Do It”), to the determined drive that the company put forth in making sure they permeated the entire sports and fashion world. While Nike may be best known for sneakers, an enormous part of their profits and business model comes from sweatshirts, t-shirts, shorts, pants, hats, and jackets. Anything you can feasibly put the swoosh on, they’ve tried it. And through doing this, they’ve established themselves as the dominant force in the sportswear marketplace.
Apple, Inc, is not only a wonderful company to look at when one considers those companies that are successful and have made a strong name for themselves in the marketplace, but they are a great example of a company that mastered the art of the comeback. At the start of the eighties, it was basically Apple and IBM in a race for first place. Thousands of homes all over America had Apple personal computers on their desks. But just a few scant years later, the PC was king, Microsoft was everything, and Apple was forgotten. Though they maintained a place in the marketplace with mildly successful software applications, they didn’t break through again until the late nineties with a product called the iMac. This computer was revolutionary in virtually no way, other than its marketing campaign and its exterior design. With its translucent, colorful shell, the iMac went on to become a major success, and give Apple its first profitable days in five years. This was of course followed by the enormously successful iPod and iPhone, and today Apple is in a better market position than ever before.
Studying companies such as Apple and Nike (and thousands of others) is important for a variety of reasons. Not only can these companies relate terrific stories of how to succeed in today’s world, but they can be mightily inspirational for the up and coming entrepreneur. Books are plentifully available, and recommended for anyone wanting to compete in today’s America.
To The Top,
Gary Worley
The first company the wise entrepreneur should look at is Nike. The company is the largest sportswear provider in the world. It doesn’t matter what you’re trying to sell, though, be it sneakers or computers, there are lessons to be learned from Nike’s history and their continued success in the American marketplace. These lessons range from successful logo and motto (there are few among us who cannot identify the Nike swoosh or the motto “Just Do It”), to the determined drive that the company put forth in making sure they permeated the entire sports and fashion world. While Nike may be best known for sneakers, an enormous part of their profits and business model comes from sweatshirts, t-shirts, shorts, pants, hats, and jackets. Anything you can feasibly put the swoosh on, they’ve tried it. And through doing this, they’ve established themselves as the dominant force in the sportswear marketplace.
Apple, Inc, is not only a wonderful company to look at when one considers those companies that are successful and have made a strong name for themselves in the marketplace, but they are a great example of a company that mastered the art of the comeback. At the start of the eighties, it was basically Apple and IBM in a race for first place. Thousands of homes all over America had Apple personal computers on their desks. But just a few scant years later, the PC was king, Microsoft was everything, and Apple was forgotten. Though they maintained a place in the marketplace with mildly successful software applications, they didn’t break through again until the late nineties with a product called the iMac. This computer was revolutionary in virtually no way, other than its marketing campaign and its exterior design. With its translucent, colorful shell, the iMac went on to become a major success, and give Apple its first profitable days in five years. This was of course followed by the enormously successful iPod and iPhone, and today Apple is in a better market position than ever before.
Studying companies such as Apple and Nike (and thousands of others) is important for a variety of reasons. Not only can these companies relate terrific stories of how to succeed in today’s world, but they can be mightily inspirational for the up and coming entrepreneur. Books are plentifully available, and recommended for anyone wanting to compete in today’s America.
To The Top,
Gary Worley
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Staying Organized In Your Home Office
Nothing makes working from a home office more frustrating than not being able to find anything when you need it. While most business owners see themselves as being busy all the time, some of your time has to be spent in staying organized. If not daily, at least once a week you have to set aside time to put everything in its place. Most mechanics have a rule that there is a place for everything and everything needs to be in its place.
Many people have to find the time to do things over, but seldom have the time to do it right the first time. Usually because they can’t find a file, they will have to recreate it, which will take a lot more time than the five seconds it might have taken to put it in its right place to begin with. Being able to find the staples when your stapler runs out can save a precious few minutes you will spend going through the desk drawers, or worse going to the store to buy more, knowing you have a new box somewhere in the office.
The amount of office supplies you maintain in the home office will depend on the business as well as your budget. Regardless, don’t let your desk become a storage area for your supplies. Use an old dresser of bookcase on which to keep your office supplies, while keeping only a small stash on your desk or in the desk drawers. When you put supplies in a storage area, make sure the tags are visible for easy identification.
To keep your office running smooth, consider your desk the focal point of the office. All of the equipment that is frequently used needs to be within easy reach of your desk chair. If you have to get up every few minutes to answer the phone, grab a fax or check the printer, you are wasting several precious minutes everyday reaching for things. Files that you are currently working on should be in easy reach, whether in a file cabinet next to your desk or in an upright file holder on your desk or adjacent table.
Ideally, you can pull al the files you intend to conquer that day and have them ready to work on at any time during the day. Files you are not going to touch should be put in their proper place so they can be easily found when they are needed.
While it may seem easier, especially for caffeine addicts to have their coffee pot near their desk, it is a bad idea overall. First, too much coffee can be bad for the health as well as a contributing factor to extra bathroom breaks. However, the primary reason is the potential for a damaging coffee spill by drinking coffee at your desk. Everyone needs to take a break from their work periodically, and having the coffee pot in a separate room can force you to take a few minutes to clear your head.
To The Top,
Gary Worley
Many people have to find the time to do things over, but seldom have the time to do it right the first time. Usually because they can’t find a file, they will have to recreate it, which will take a lot more time than the five seconds it might have taken to put it in its right place to begin with. Being able to find the staples when your stapler runs out can save a precious few minutes you will spend going through the desk drawers, or worse going to the store to buy more, knowing you have a new box somewhere in the office.
The amount of office supplies you maintain in the home office will depend on the business as well as your budget. Regardless, don’t let your desk become a storage area for your supplies. Use an old dresser of bookcase on which to keep your office supplies, while keeping only a small stash on your desk or in the desk drawers. When you put supplies in a storage area, make sure the tags are visible for easy identification.
To keep your office running smooth, consider your desk the focal point of the office. All of the equipment that is frequently used needs to be within easy reach of your desk chair. If you have to get up every few minutes to answer the phone, grab a fax or check the printer, you are wasting several precious minutes everyday reaching for things. Files that you are currently working on should be in easy reach, whether in a file cabinet next to your desk or in an upright file holder on your desk or adjacent table.
Ideally, you can pull al the files you intend to conquer that day and have them ready to work on at any time during the day. Files you are not going to touch should be put in their proper place so they can be easily found when they are needed.
While it may seem easier, especially for caffeine addicts to have their coffee pot near their desk, it is a bad idea overall. First, too much coffee can be bad for the health as well as a contributing factor to extra bathroom breaks. However, the primary reason is the potential for a damaging coffee spill by drinking coffee at your desk. Everyone needs to take a break from their work periodically, and having the coffee pot in a separate room can force you to take a few minutes to clear your head.
To The Top,
Gary Worley
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Starting A Home Business With Your Spouse
While on the surface this may seem like a good idea. After all you will both share the same goal of making money for the family, you are used to each other’s little quirks and if the business is based out of your home, the cost of getting to work can be a great savings on the family budget. However, two people learning to live together as man and wife can be tough enough without spending all day, everyday together. Before joining hands and taking the plunge into the work at home pool, you will need to take a hard look at some of the potential obstacles.
The first item on the list of possible problems is the fact that you will be spending almost every waking hour with your spouse. While compatibility in a relationship can hold it together just fine, you must determine if that compatibility can withstand another eight hours a day. Making the change from business partner to husband and wife every day can be a tough transition. You will not be able to leave all of your work problems at the job and home problems at the door.
Make sure your goals for the company are in line with those of your spouse. By sitting down and discussing the goals of the business you may learn that your idea of what to expect from the business may be contrary to what your spouse is looking to achieve. You may want to eventually expand and franchise the business while your spouse wants to simply make enough money for the family to live comfortably. If your goals are not aligned, your business will probably fail and so might the marriage.
One of the most important aspects of entering into a business partnership with a spouse is having clearly defined roles in the business. Determine up front who will perform what function such as accounting or who will handle incoming orders and packing for shipping. Look at the strengths and plan individual roles that best complement the strengths of each partner. It is not a good thing for one partner to believe that while you are the boss at work, they are boss at home.
Resist the urge to let customers know your business partner is also your spouse. While this may seem unimportant, it can possibly cause a customer to hold back if they have a complaint against your partner. You also need to deal with business issues in a professional and constructive manner. You should never personally attack your partner for a business decision. Instead, address the situation and ways to fix it instead of addressing your partner.
Never mix work and family issues when on the job. You need to have a set schedule for work and the rest of time can be spent on family issues. Trying to mix the two will almost guarantee failing at both.
To The Top,
Gary Worley
The first item on the list of possible problems is the fact that you will be spending almost every waking hour with your spouse. While compatibility in a relationship can hold it together just fine, you must determine if that compatibility can withstand another eight hours a day. Making the change from business partner to husband and wife every day can be a tough transition. You will not be able to leave all of your work problems at the job and home problems at the door.
Make sure your goals for the company are in line with those of your spouse. By sitting down and discussing the goals of the business you may learn that your idea of what to expect from the business may be contrary to what your spouse is looking to achieve. You may want to eventually expand and franchise the business while your spouse wants to simply make enough money for the family to live comfortably. If your goals are not aligned, your business will probably fail and so might the marriage.
One of the most important aspects of entering into a business partnership with a spouse is having clearly defined roles in the business. Determine up front who will perform what function such as accounting or who will handle incoming orders and packing for shipping. Look at the strengths and plan individual roles that best complement the strengths of each partner. It is not a good thing for one partner to believe that while you are the boss at work, they are boss at home.
Resist the urge to let customers know your business partner is also your spouse. While this may seem unimportant, it can possibly cause a customer to hold back if they have a complaint against your partner. You also need to deal with business issues in a professional and constructive manner. You should never personally attack your partner for a business decision. Instead, address the situation and ways to fix it instead of addressing your partner.
Never mix work and family issues when on the job. You need to have a set schedule for work and the rest of time can be spent on family issues. Trying to mix the two will almost guarantee failing at both.
To The Top,
Gary Worley
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Selling Online Can Create New Income Streams
As the internet matures, so do the attitudes of people buying more and more online. Many companies exist that will ship merchandise to nearly any address specified, without being the same address as the buyer. This opens the door for selling opportunities for just about anyone with the initiative to do a little work online and keep track of their earnings.
One of the problems with having a retail website, is you become the buyer, seller and shipper all at once. When you offer merchandise for sale online you are opening the door to a global audience and will need to have an inventory of merchandise that you offer for sale. Constantly sending out apologetic emails informing buyers their choice is either discontinued or on back order will not win many repeat customers and will eventually leave you with nothing but a nice looking website.
You can, however get hooked up with wholesalers who maintain a large inventory of merchandise and allow you to sell it on your website. When an order comes in, it goes directly to the wholesaler who will pack it and ship it as well as handle all the finances. You make money based on the profit from the sale of the item. For example, you advertise a DVD player on your site for $59.99 plus tax plus shipping an handling. A customer buys it and submits the order. Once payment is received and the item has shipped. If you are getting that DVD player from the wholesaler for $40, you will be paid the difference of $19.
Many drop-shippers work with online auction sellers who simply list the merchandise on their auction site and the wholesaler takes over the shipping of the merchandise. For auction merchandise there is a risk to the seller in that if a listed item doesn’t sell, the seller is still responsible for any listing fees for putting them item on the auction.
Additionally, once an item sells, the seller is charged a final value fee, which is a percentage of the price at which the item sold. Consequently, the seller has to sell the item at a price higher than the unit cost, plus listing fees plus the final value fee before they make any money. Selling straight off your own website may not elicit as much business, but by the buyer paying shipping and handling charges, everything paid over the unit price is your to keep.
You can also choose to buy small inventories of merchandise you believe will be in high demand and list in the item’s description how many are available. Being honest with potential buyers on the front side that only so many are available may improve the chance of a sale, as well as diminish disappointment when you run out.
To The Top,
Gary Worley
One of the problems with having a retail website, is you become the buyer, seller and shipper all at once. When you offer merchandise for sale online you are opening the door to a global audience and will need to have an inventory of merchandise that you offer for sale. Constantly sending out apologetic emails informing buyers their choice is either discontinued or on back order will not win many repeat customers and will eventually leave you with nothing but a nice looking website.
You can, however get hooked up with wholesalers who maintain a large inventory of merchandise and allow you to sell it on your website. When an order comes in, it goes directly to the wholesaler who will pack it and ship it as well as handle all the finances. You make money based on the profit from the sale of the item. For example, you advertise a DVD player on your site for $59.99 plus tax plus shipping an handling. A customer buys it and submits the order. Once payment is received and the item has shipped. If you are getting that DVD player from the wholesaler for $40, you will be paid the difference of $19.
Many drop-shippers work with online auction sellers who simply list the merchandise on their auction site and the wholesaler takes over the shipping of the merchandise. For auction merchandise there is a risk to the seller in that if a listed item doesn’t sell, the seller is still responsible for any listing fees for putting them item on the auction.
Additionally, once an item sells, the seller is charged a final value fee, which is a percentage of the price at which the item sold. Consequently, the seller has to sell the item at a price higher than the unit cost, plus listing fees plus the final value fee before they make any money. Selling straight off your own website may not elicit as much business, but by the buyer paying shipping and handling charges, everything paid over the unit price is your to keep.
You can also choose to buy small inventories of merchandise you believe will be in high demand and list in the item’s description how many are available. Being honest with potential buyers on the front side that only so many are available may improve the chance of a sale, as well as diminish disappointment when you run out.
To The Top,
Gary Worley
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