Friday, June 6, 2008

Filsaime Releases The 7 Figure Secrets And Gives it Away Free!


Here is the deal...

Back in February of 2007, Mike Filsaime held a secret Private Workshop at an undisclosed location.

Over 100 people paid $5000 for the Workshop.

He then took those DVD's (Which now sell for $1297) and sold it out in record fashion in under 7 days to 2500 people. Since then... over 3000 people have paid for that information.

The success stories that followed have changed the face of Internet Marketing.

(Filsaime, along with his 37 Staff Members, will do $10,000,000 this year in sales and is credited with showing other marketers how to grow a 7 figure Business.)


Big Deal?

Recently, Mike hired a "TOP GUN" Internet Marketing Expert and Copywriter (That also attended the event.)

Mike Paid this "TOP GUN" $25,000 to watch all 16 DVD's of "The 7 Figure Code" and condense it into a Masterpiece...


An 85 Page report, no fluff, with all of the Gold nuggets, Pearls of Wisdom, and action plans for you to get in a 1 hours' read.

That's right, what 100 people paid $5000 for, and had to sit through 3 days, you will get all of the information crammed into 1 report that you can read in 1 sitting.


That is right, Mike Filsaime was going to sell it for $297.00 and was planning on selling 3000 copies in 7 days.

They are already printed, spiral bound, and sitting at the warehouse ready to ship.

But Mike has decided to ship it to you for...

*** Free ***

(Only While supplies Last.)

All Mike Asks is that you pay the shipping (about $8 or so)

That is it. You do NOT have to buy it. You simply tell him where to ship it and he will send it to you for...

nothing, zip, nada!


>>> Mike was going to upsell the 18 Full Color Process Maps. ($197 Value)

Mike hired the best Internet Marketing experts on Process Mapping, Rich Schefrens' Strategic Profits, to produce these process maps based on each DVD... 18 in all.

Mike has decided to move the FREELINE even further and give you access to these for Free too (also VERY limited time)

And to prove that Mike has lost his mind (and has clearly landed on the North Pole of Mars,) he is also giving you is best selling

"The Butterfly Marketing Manuscript 2.0" ($97 Value) for Free as well!

So here is a RECAP of what you get Free

- The 7 Figure Secrets Printed and Shipped to you Door
- The 18 Full Color Process Maps
- The Butterfly Marketing Manuscript Version 2.0

It just went live for a Limited Time and ONLY while supplies last...

So, if you want to be THE FIRST TO GET your hands on The 7 Figure Secrets, go NOW to:

To your success,


PS - The site just went live , so make sure to get your copy ASAP shipped to your door because when the pre printed copies are gone, you will not be able to get your hands on this.

Secure your copy here...

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Real Secret To Why You Can't Grow Your Business...

"The Real Secret To Why You Can't Grow Your Business
Spending $300 A Month On Leads"

Here's what they never tell you when you get
started . . .

You're excited, you join a business you feel a strong
connection to, you call your sponsor and you're ready to hit
the ground running.

You ask . . .

"What do I do first?"

Inevitably what you are going to hear out of your sponsor
mouth is . . .

"Go over to Joe's Lead Shack he's got the best leads in
town. He has 3 packs you should look at:

50 Leads for $100
200 Leads for $300
500 Leads for $500

Pick the pack that works best for you."

You, being the go getter you are, go straight to the top.
You figure, the more leads I have the quicker I'll see
success and the faster I'll reach my dream of living the
lifestyle I want in this amazing vehicle for wealth called
network marketing.

You get the BIG lead pack. When you tell your sponsor you've
gone with the big pack he or she throws up no objections.
(Probably because they are getting a commission on it.)

Your sponsor gives you your team's time tested script that
converts at 3%. You do the math in your head and you say
this is gonna be easy.

You've already made a huge mistake . . .

But let's continue with the story. You've got your leads and
your destiny ahead of you.

You pick up the phone and decide you're gonna call 25 people
a day.

Your first day out of your 25 calls you get 8 disconnects.
14 people who never pick up the phone. 2 that answer and
don't even remember requesting information, but you do get
one that seems interest.


You speak to this person for 30 minutes and have a grand
time. You send them to your company's site and decide to do
a follow up call tomorrow at the same time.

On day two, you start early fueled by your initial success.
This time you actually get two people on the line that
remember asking for info, but this time you get 5 that
answer and berate you for disturbing their family time with
your sleazy calls.

It hurts a little, but you say to yourself you gotta take a
few knocks to get anywhere and keep pushing through.

You make your follow up call and your first follow
appointment is a no show.

Hmm . . .

You say to yourself that's ok, I got two more tomorrow.

Fast forward a month and you've hammered through your leads,
got your script down pat, and have a few more promising
follow up calls that never pan out.

You say I guess this is a little harder than I thought.

You buy your next month of leads and do it all over
again with the same results.

Then . . .

You buy your next month of leads and do it all over
again with the same results.

You ask your sponsor what your doing wrong, he or she gets
on the phone with you for a few calls and says you're doing
all the right things it's just a matter of time.

Your sponsors comments get you back in the game and you buy
your next months worth of leads, but this time you ask
yourself a question . . .

"What is going to happen when I finally do sponsor someone?
Will they also spend $2000 plus company product cost to get
things off the ground?"

Your mind sends you the answer . . . "No!"

You start to get suspicious of how all this duplication
stuff works, but you keep going.

Two months later you're $3000 in the whole and you cut it

Why didn't it work?

Here's what you didn't know . . .

It does work, but just not for you as the newbie. On a large
scale for your upline leaders there business does grow
following this model.


Because they have 100's of suckers like you and me out there
calling thousands of people at our own expense just to see
what sticks and inevitable because of the law of large
numbers a few do stick.

But the probability of having anything stick for you
personally is slim to none.

When you sponsor has you calling thousands of leads
it creates big time leverage for them at your expense.

That's not a game I like to play and why I don't play it
that way.

It's a big reason why the folks at the top keeping making
money and the folks at the bottom keep losing it.

Here's a stat to leave you with . . .

Doing a survey of all of the largest network marketing
companies in business a full 45% of total commissions on
average go to less than 1% of all reps within the company,
i.e. the guys on top.

So how do you make sure your business has a chance?

You make sure you make $ ever step of the way
instead of spending it all.

Here's how . . .

Stay tuned because we're gonna discuss what really happens
when you finally do sponsor someone.

To The Top,


"Since Listening To Traffic Formula,
My Business Has Gone From Costing Me Money,
To Earning $18,000+ In Just 4 Months,
And My Wife Was Finally Able To Quit Her Job
After 10 Years Of Struggle In This Industry"
-- Wally Carmichael

Monday, February 4, 2008

This Amazing Program is SCREAMING with Momentum...

"If you'd like to be personally mentored by a proven success
who created $3,244,842.32 in online sales in only 27 months...
PLUS get access to $1,949.94 of the most powerful success
oriented products for FREE - on a 14-Day FREE Trial basis...
now is your chance."

Click Here to See Why Over 80,000 Students
In 178 Countries Have Jumped on Board...

Dear Fellow Marketer,

As you probably know, I rarely ever endorse a program through
ALL of my advertising outlets. Success University has me so
excited though that I'm starting 2008 with ALL GUNS BLAZING!
Our team has grown to nearly 450 students in the last 6 months!

My Goal is to help you do the same!

Go Here Now to watch the 12 minute video about
Success University and see the other specials we have for
you as a team member!

Here's what I'm going to do when you join me in Success University...

Everyone I enroll in Success University will be positioned down
ONE line of my organization... one directly below another, below
another, etc.

That means everyone I enroll after you will go below you and
will count toward YOUR commissions!

Normally I wouldn't do this but because I would LOVE to see you
get 2008 off to a prosperous start, I'm giving you everyone who
enrolls after you do!

Go Here Now before everyone else does
to secure your position above them:

Now, here's the quick facts about Success University which I
believe in 100% and am earning THOUSANDS a month in
passive residual income...

In just a few months, Success University has SKYROCKETED
past every other personal development site in the world because
of their unique Learn & EARN program.

The reason it's EXPLODING around the world is because it's so
incredibly SIMPLE...

If you can follow 3 simple steps like I have, YOU can be a success too:

Step 1: Enroll for a 14-Day Free Trial at no cost and receive
$1,949 in education with no obligation. Your benefit of joining
with me is that I'm going to place a ton of students on your team...

Step 2: Simply follow our simple step-by-step marketing system
that helps you "give away" free education to hundreds of people.
(What I'm doing now)

Step 3: Earn residual income on all the students who remain a
student of Success University.

Click Here Now

Go to my website now and you can enroll for a 14-Day Free Trial
and start making money by the end of the day.

My advice is to drop everything and do this right now because
the people who jump on this email first, will get positioned
ABOVE those who wait. (And will earn the most money because
of the customers I put below you.)


Gary Worley

P.S Go Here Now to watch the 12 minute video about
Success University and see the other specials we have for
you as a team member!